vHeb Vg:Gk on the mountain of Samaria. Back to text.
wThe text of this line is uncertain. Back to text.
xCn Compare Vg:Gk when I was about to be devoured. Back to text.
yOther authorities read As from. Back to text.
zGk her. Back to text.
aThe Greek text of this line is uncertain. Back to text.
bGk heart. Back to text.
cCn Compare Heb Syr:The Greek text of this line is uncertain. Back to text.
dGreek lacks these things. Back to text.
eGk his. Back to text.
aCn:Heb lacks of diviners. Back to text.
bCn Compare Gk:Heb low. Back to text.
dGk Syr:Heb judge peoples. Back to text.
eOne ancient Ms:Heb lacks shame. Back to text.
fHeb her nobility. Back to text.
gCn Compare Gk:Heb aliens. Back to text.
hThat is A remnant shall return. Back to text.
iOr young woman. Back to text.
jOr is with child and shall bear. Back to text.
kThat is God is with us. Back to text.
lThat is The spoil speeds, the prey hastes. Back to text.
mCn:Heb rejoices in. Back to text.
xHeb immanu el. Back to text.
nHeb it. Back to text.
oOr curse by. Back to text.
pCh 8:23 in Heb. Back to text.
qCh 9:1 in Heb. Back to text.
rCn:Heb the adversaries of Rezin. Back to text.
sTg Compare Gk:Heb the flesh of his arm. Back to text.
tHeb a staff it is in their hand my fury. Back to text.
uHeb I. Back to text.
vCn:Heb and his yoke from your neck, and a yoke will be destroyed because of fatness. Back to text.
wCn Compare Gk Vg:Heb with a majestic one. Back to text.
xOr this is made known. Back to text.
yOne ancient Ms Compare Gk Syr Vg:The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
zCn Compare Tg Symmachus:Heb a loathed branch. Back to text.
aOne ancient Ms Vg:Heb he. Back to text.
bCn:Heb the house and Dibon. Back to text.
cOne ancient Ms Vg Compare Syr:Heb Dimon. Back to text.
dGk:Heb I have hushed. Back to text.
eCn Compare Gk:Heb the cities of Aroer are deserted. Back to text.
fCn Compare Gk:Heb the wood and the highest bough. Back to text.
gOne ancient Ms:Heb a lion. Back to text.
hGk Syr Vg:Heb from far away. Back to text.
iThe Hebrew of this line is obscure. Back to text.
jOne ancient Ms:Heb who passed over the sea, they replenished you. Back to text.
kThe Hebrew of this verse is obscure. Back to text.
lThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
mCn Compare Gk:Heb thou (that art) upright. Back to text.
nHeb uncertain. Back to text.
oCn Compare Syr Tg:Heb my body. Back to text.
qHeb Those to come. Back to text.
rCompare Syr Vg Tg:The meaning of the Hebrew word is unknown. Back to text.
sCn:Heb strangers. Back to text.
tOr Topheth. Back to text.
uOr Molech. Back to text.
vHeb they. Back to text.
wCn:Heb And it will hail when the forest comes down. Back to text.
yThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
zOne ancient Ms:Heb cities. Back to text.
aHeb her streams. Back to text.
bHeb lacks over. Back to text.
cCn:Heb in the haunt of jackals is her resting place. Back to text.
dHeb it and he is for them a wayfarer. Back to text.
eWith 2 Kings 19:26:Heb field. Back to text.
fThe Hebrew of this verse is obscure. Back to text.
gHeb uncertain. Back to text.
hCn:Heb obscure. Back to text.
iHeb uncertain. Back to text.
jCn Compare Syr:Heb I will walk slowly all my years. Back to text.
kHeb uncertain. Back to text.
lCn Compare Gk Vg:Heb loved. Back to text.
mHeb my stringed instruments. Back to text.
nOr time of service. Back to text.
oOr O herald of good tidings to Zion. Back to text.
pOr O herald of good tidings to Jerusalem. Back to text.
qHeb uncertain. Back to text.
rCn:Heb come. Back to text.
sCn:Heb first to Zion, Behold, behold them. Back to text.
tOr burn dimly. Back to text.
uOr bruised. Back to text.
vCn Compare Ps 96:11; 98:7:Heb Those who go down to the sea. Back to text.
wHeb you see. Back to text.
xHeb obscure. Back to text.
yGk Compare Tg:Heb They shall spring up in among grass. Back to text.
zCn:Heb from my placing an eternal people and things to come. Back to text.
aTg:Heb them. Back to text.
bCn:Heb an axe. Back to text.
cAnother reading is who spread out the earth by myself. Back to text.
dOne ancient Ms Gk:Heb the swellings. Back to text.
eOne ancient Ms:Heb that they may bring forth salvation. Back to text.
fCn:Heb potsherds or potters. Back to text.
gCn:Heb Ask me of things to come. Back to text.
hGk Syr Compare Vg:Heb from what. Back to text.
iCn:Heb waters. Back to text.
jCn:Heb with. Back to text.
kGk Old Latin:Heb lacks my name. Back to text.
lCn:Heb Sinim. Back to text.
mOne ancient Ms Syr Vg:Heb righteous man. Back to text.
nSyr:Heb gird yourselves with brands. Back to text.
oOr in like manner. Back to text.
pSyr:Heb plant. Back to text.
qOne ancient Ms Gk Syr Vg:Heb how may I comfort you. Back to text.
rCn:Heb sit. Back to text.
sSyr Tg:Heb you. Back to text.
tThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
uOr forsaken. Back to text.
vOr pains. Back to text.
wOr sickness. Back to text.
xOr sicknesses. Back to text.
yOr pains. Back to text.
zHeb made him sick. Back to text.
aVg:Heb thou makest his soul. Back to text.
bOr lapis lazuli. Back to text.
cHeb his gathered ones. Back to text.
dOne ancient Ms Syr Vg Tg:Heb me. Back to text.
eThe meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain. Back to text.
fOr the king. Back to text.
gOr pursue your own business. Back to text.
hThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
iOr business. Back to text.
jOr pursuing your own business. Back to text.
kHeb be enlarged. Back to text.
lOne ancient Ms Gk Old Latin Tg:Heb lacks by night. Back to text.
mOr poor. Back to text.
nOr the opening of the eyes:Heb the opening. Back to text.
oHeb they. Back to text.
pHeb their. Back to text.
qHeb theirs. Back to text.
rOr robbery with a burnt offering. Back to text.
sHeb Azubah. Back to text.
tHeb Shemamah. Back to text.
uHeb Hephzibah. Back to text.
vHeb Beulah. Back to text.
wOr the year of my redeemed. Back to text.
xAnother reading is he did not afflict. Back to text.
yCh 64:1 in Heb. Back to text.
zHebrew obscure. Back to text.
aGk Syr Old Latin Tg:Heb melted. Back to text.
bGk Syr:Heb your. Back to text.
cOr sudden terror. Back to text.
dGk Syr:Heb came to be. Back to text.
eGk Syr:Heb lacks know. Back to text.
fGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb it is. Back to text.
gGk:Heb Pul. Back to text.
aHeb shaqed. Back to text.
bHeb shoqed. Back to text.
cHeb shepherds. Back to text.
dGk Syr:Heb Saying, If. Back to text.
eHeb you. Back to text.
fHeb uncertain. Back to text.
gCn:Heb they shall glean. Back to text.
hHeb uncircumcised. Back to text.
iGk Tg:Heb high places. Back to text.
jThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
kHeb uncertain. Back to text.
lCn Compare Gk:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
mCh 8:23 in Heb. Back to text.
nCh 9:1 in Heb. Back to text.
oGk:Heb and not for truth they have grown strong. Back to text.
pCn Compare Gk:Heb your dwelling. Back to text.
qGk Syr:Heb I will take up. Back to text.
rHeb They. Back to text.
sThis verse is in Aramaic. Back to text.
tGk:Heb many. Back to text.
uHeb your. Back to text.
vGk Syr Vg:Heb obscure. Back to text.
wHeb them. Back to text.
xGk Old Latin:Heb the Lord said. Back to text.
yCn:Heb obscure. Back to text.
zGk:Heb And first. Back to text.
aCn:Heb your high places for sin. Back to text.
bCn:Heb and in you. Back to text.
cHeb me. Back to text.
dCn:Heb sons of people. Back to text.
eCn:Heb kings and princes. Back to text.
fCn:Heb the field. Back to text.
gCn:Heb foreign. Back to text.
hCn:Heb Are...plucked up? Back to text.
iGk Syr Vg:Heb they made them stumble. Back to text.
jGk Compare Syr Tg:Heb my adversaries. Back to text.
kCn:Heb cities. Back to text.
lGk Vg Syr:Heb be pitied. Back to text.
mGk:Heb I. Back to text.
nCn Compare Syr:Heb obscure. Back to text.
oGk Vg:Heb What burden. Back to text.
pCompare Gk:Heb horror for evil. Back to text.
qGk Compare Syr:Heb desolations. Back to text.
rHeb Sheshach, a cipher for Babylon. Back to text.
sGk:Heb a choice vessel. Back to text.
uAnother reading is Jehoiakim. Back to text.
vCn:Heb send them. Back to text.
wGk Syr Vg:Heb dreams. Back to text.
xGk:Heb you. Back to text.
yGk:Heb the rest of the elders. Back to text.
zCn:Heb your dreams which you cause to dream. Back to text.
aGk:Heb and he shall not see. Back to text.
bGk Old Latin:Heb your. Back to text.
cHeb make a servant of him. Back to text.
dGk:Heb me. Back to text.
eGk Compare Vg Tg:Heb supplications. Back to text.
fCn Compare Syr Vg Tg:Heb and they shall wander. Back to text.
gGk:Heb it. Back to text.
hHeb obscure. Back to text.
iCn:Heb They are coming in to fight against the Chaldeans. Back to text.
jHeb uncertain. Back to text.
kHeb and it. Back to text.
lGk:Heb seven. Back to text.
mCn:Heb lacks like. Back to text.
nHeb obscure. Back to text.
oCn:Heb to under. Back to text.
pThis clause has been transposed from the end of Chapter 38. Back to text.
qSyr:Heb obscure. Back to text.
rGk:Heb he had slain by the hand of Gedaliah. Back to text.
sCn:Heb whom he recovered from Ishmael. Back to text.
tGk:Heb Jezaniah. Back to text.
uGk Syr:Heb I. Back to text.
vGk Syr Vg:Heb I. Back to text.
wHeb his. Back to text.
xCompare Syr:Heb lacks And the women said. Back to text.
ySyr:Heb them. Back to text.
zGk:Heb Why was it swept away. Back to text.
aGk:Heb He made many stumble. Back to text.
bGk:Heb their valley. Back to text.
cGk Vg:Heb you. Back to text.
dGk:Heb her little ones. Back to text.
eCn:Heb weeping goes up with weeping. Back to text.
fGk Compare Is 15:5:Heb the distress of the cry. Back to text.
gGk Aquila:Heb like Aroer. Back to text.
hGk:Heb works. Back to text.
iGk Aquila:Heb their. Back to text.
jCn:Heb the sea of Jazer. Back to text.
kCn:Heb From the cry of Heshbon to Elealeh. Back to text.
lGk Syr:Heb to her. Back to text.
mHeb valleys, your valley flows. Back to text.
nOr Sela. Back to text.
oGk Syr:Heb him. Back to text.
pCn:Heb there is trouble in the sea. Back to text.
qvg:Heb not forsaken. Back to text.
rSyr Vg Tg:Heb city of my joy. Back to text.
sOr Double Rebellion. Back to text.
tOr Punishment. Back to text.
uHeb Leb-qamai, a cipher for Chaldea. Back to text.
vHeb their land. Back to text.
wGk Vg:Heb rejoice. Back to text.
xHeb Sheshach, a cipher for Babylon. Back to text.
yGk:Heb upon her. And they shall weary themselves. Back to text.
zHeb lacks the sea. Back to text.
aGk Old Latin:Heb afflicted. Back to text.
bCn:Heb wandering. Back to text.
cHeb uncertain. Back to text.
dGk:Heb bones and. Back to text.
eCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
fGk Syr:Heb they heard. Back to text.
gSyr:Heb you have brought. Back to text.
hHeb to the ground. Back to text.
iCn:Heb Their heart cried. Back to text.
jCn:Heb O waIl of. Back to text.
kCn:Heb wandering. Back to text.
lSyr Tg:Heb we are not cut off. Back to text.
mHeb uncertain. Back to text.
nSyr Compare Gk Vg:Heb the heavens of the LORD. Back to text.
oOr iniquity. Back to text.
pOr sin. Back to text.
qHeb uncertain. Back to text.
rHeb uncertain. Back to text.
sHeb lapis lazuli. Back to text.
tHeb uncertain. Back to text.
uSymmachus:Heb lacks with a yolk. Back to text.
aGk the priest. Back to text.
bGk he. Back to text.
cGk in the shadow. Back to text.
dThe meaning of the Greek is uncertain. Back to text.
eGk their place. Back to text.
fOther authorities read their. Back to text.
gOr from the Everlasting, your Savior. Back to text.
hThe King James Version prints The Epistle of Jeremy as Chapter 6 of the book of Baruch, and the chapter and verse numbers are here retained. Back to text.
iGk for them. Back to text.
jGk They. Back to text.
kGk them. Back to text.
lGk he. Back to text.
mGk of them. Back to text.
nGk they. Back to text.
oGk It is. Back to text.
pGk to them. Back to text.
qGk them. Back to text.
rOr they bring Bel and pray. Back to text.
sGk he. Back to text.
tGk them. Back to text.
uThe Greek text of this verse is uncertain. Back to text.
vGk they. Back to text.
wGk these things. Back to text.
xOther ancient authorities omit and. Back to text.
yCn:Gk marble, Syr silk. Back to text.
aCn:Heb lacks in front. Back to text.
bCn:Heb lacks at the back. Back to text.
cGk Old Latin:Heb And the likeness of. Back to text.
dHeb of their faces. Back to text.
eHeb on their four sides. Back to text.
fCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
gGk:Heb awesome crystal. Back to text.
hHeb lapis lazuli. Back to text.
iOr it. Back to text.
jSyr:Heb nations. Back to text.
kCn:Heb blessed be the glory of the LORD. Back to text.
lHeb Chebar, and to where they dwelt. Another reading is Chebar, and I sat where they sat. Back to text.
mOr valley. Back to text.
nCn:Heb you shall lay...upon it. Back to text.
oOr changed my ordinances into wickedness. Back to text.
pAnother reading is and have not acted. Back to text.
qAnother reading is I will withdraw. Back to text.
rGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb And it shall be. Back to text.
sHeb them. Back to text.
tSyr Vg Tg:Heb and be made guilty. Back to text.
uSyr Vg Tg:Heb I have been broken. Back to text.
vAnother reading is Diblah. Back to text.
wThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
xOr the rod. Back to text.
yThe Hebrew of verse 11 is uncertain. Back to text.
zCn:Heb vision. Back to text.
aHeb obscure. Back to text.
bSyr Symmachus:Heb Its. Back to text.
cOr secret. Back to text.
dCn:Heb make the chain. Back to text.
eGk:Heb fire. Back to text.
fGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb rooms. Back to text.
gHeb on their four sides. Back to text.
hGk:Heb And their whole body and. Back to text.
iHeb spokes and their wings. Back to text.
jOr of life. Back to text.
kOr Is not the time near...? Back to text.
lGk Syr:Heb men of your kindred. Back to text.
mOr in small measure. Back to text.
nAnother reading is a new. Back to text.
oCn:Heb To the heart of their detestable things and their abominations their heart goes. Back to text.
pOr will see that. Back to text.
qGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb bring. Back to text.
rHeb in the midst of them. Back to text.
sGk Syr:Heb they. Back to text.
tGk Syr Tg:Heb bring. Back to text.
uGk Syr Tg:Heb his help. Back to text.
vHeb word. Back to text.
wGk:Heb who prophesy. Back to text.
xHeb rain and you. Back to text.
yGk Syr:Heb souls for birds. Back to text.
zCn:Heb the souls. Back to text.
aCn Compare Tg:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
bGk Syr:Heb I made you a myriad. Back to text.
cCn:Heb ornament of ornaments. Back to text.
dSyr:Heb and it was, says the Lord God. Back to text.
eCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
fAnother reading is Aram. Back to text.
gSyr:Heb you. Back to text.
hCn:Heb it was transplanted. Back to text.
iCn:Heb fruit. Back to text.
jAnother reading is fugitives. Back to text.
kGk:Heb lacks all kinds of beasts. Back to text.
lGk:Heb has kept my ordinances, to deal truly. Back to text.
mHeb blood, and he does any one of these things. Back to text.
nGk:Heb the poor. Back to text.
oOr so that they shall not be a stumbling block of iniquity to you. Back to text.
pHeb had waited. Back to text.
qTg Compare Theodotion:Heb knew his widows. Back to text.
rCn:Heb from the provinces. Back to text.
sCn:Heb in your blood. Back to text.
tThat is High Place. Back to text.
uGk:Heb bring you into the bond of the covenant. Back to text.
vCh 21:1 in Heb. Back to text.
wCh 21:6 in Heb. Back to text.
xTg:Heb wrapped up. Back to text.
yGk Syr Vg:Heb right, set. Back to text.
zGk Syr:Heb in. Back to text.
aHeb Jerusalem, to set battering rams. Back to text.
bGk:Heb with slaughter. Back to text.
cGk:Heb with the hand. Back to text.
dCn:Heb not even this. Back to text.
eCn:Heb to contain. Back to text.
fTwo Mss Gk Syr Vg Tg:Heb until. Back to text.
gGk Syr Vg:Heb you. Back to text.
hTransposed from the end of the verse. Compare verse 20. Back to text.
iGk:Heb a conspiracy of her prophets. Back to text.
jTwo Mss:Heb from Egypt. Back to text.
kCn:Heb for the sake of. Back to text.
lCompare verses 6 and 12:Heb called. Back to text.
mGk:The meaning of the Hebrew word is unknown. Back to text.
nCompare Syr:Heb gnaw its sherds. Back to text.
oHeb uncertain. Back to text.
pCompare Gk:Heb obscure. Back to text.
qGk:Heb a woman of lewdness. Back to text.
rCompare verse 10:Heb the bones. Back to text.
sTwo Mss:Heb its boilings. Back to text.
tCn:Heb its bones seethe. Back to text.
uHeb no lot has fallen upon it. Back to text.
vCompare Gk:Heb mix the spices. Back to text.
wCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
xVg Tg:Heb men. Back to text.
yCn:Heb lacks the cities of. Back to text.
zGk Old Latin:Heb Moab and Seir. Back to text.
aHeb cities from its cities. Back to text.
bCn:Heb the Ammonites. Back to text.
cGk Old Latin Aquila:Heb vanished, O inhabited one,. Back to text.
dCn:Heb her inhabitants. Back to text.
eGk:Heb I will give beauty. Back to text.
fCompare Gen 10:18:Heb your skilled men, O Tyre. Back to text.
gOr and your army. Back to text.
hGk:Heb Dedan. Back to text.
iAnother reading is Aram. Back to text.
jCn:Heb wheat of minnith and pannag. Back to text.
kGk:Heb Vedan and Javan. Back to text.
lCn:Heb Eden the traders of Sheba. Back to text.
mCn:Heb in your market. Back to text.
nCn:Heb your travelers your merchandise. Back to text.
oTg Vg:Heb like silence. Back to text.
pHeb obscure. Back to text.
qOr lapis lazuli. Back to text.
rHeb uncertain. Back to text.
sHeb uncertain. Back to text.
tSyr Compare Gk:Heb I have made myself. Back to text.
uGk Syr Vg:Heb they. Back to text.
vSyr:Heb stand. Back to text.
wGk Syr Vg:Heb he. Back to text.
xOr multitude. Back to text.
yGk Compare Syr Vg:Heb Cub. Back to text.
zGk:Heb they. Back to text.
aGk Syr:Heb in ships. Back to text.
bOr multitude. Back to text.
cCn:Heb and Memphis, distresses by day. Back to text.
dCn:Heb Behold, Assyria. Back to text.
eGk:Heb thick boughs. Back to text.
fGk:Heb going. Back to text.
gSyr Vg:Heb you. Back to text.
hGk:Heb thick boughs. Back to text.
iGk:Heb mourn for, I have covered. Back to text.
jCompare Gk:Heb obscure. Back to text.
kGk Vg:Heb they. Back to text.
lSymmachus Syr Vg:Heb your height. Back to text.
mGk:Heb bring your destruction. Back to text.
nGk:Heb lacks in the first month. Back to text.
oGk Syr:Heb sword, the sword is delivered. Back to text.
pGk:Heb they have drawn her away and all her multitudes. Back to text.
qGk Old Latin:Heb of the uncircumcised. Back to text.
rCn:Heb iniquities. Back to text.
sCn:Heb I. Back to text.
tHeb by it. Back to text.
uCn:Heb like a love song. Back to text.
vCn:Heb when he is among his sheep. Back to text.
wGk Syr Vg:Heb destroy. Back to text.
xGk Syr Old Latin:Heb for renown. Back to text.
yGk Old Latin:Heb pasture you are men. Back to text.
zGk:Heb you have hated blood. Back to text.
aGk:Heb them. Back to text.
bOne Ms:Heb drive out. Back to text.
cHeb flock of holy things. Back to text.
dOr plain. Back to text.
eOr spirit. Back to text.
fOr wind or spirit. Back to text.
gHeb join them. Back to text.
hTg:Heb give. Back to text.
iGk:Heb will you not know? Back to text.
jGk:Heb a sword to all my mountains. Back to text.
kHeb him. Back to text.
lOr Abarim. Back to text.
mThat is the multitude of Gog. Back to text.
nGk Syr:Heb bury the travelers. Back to text.
oThat is Multitude. Back to text.
pGk:Heb on the south. Back to text.
qHeb deep, and one threshold, one reed deep. Back to text.
rCompare Gk:Heb roof. Back to text.
sCompare Gk:Heb and he made the jambs sixty cubits, and to the jamb of the court was the gateway roundabout. Back to text.
tCompare Gk:Heb from before. Back to text.
uGk:Heb a hundred cubits on the east and on the north. 20And the gate. Back to text.
vOne Ms Compare verses 29 and 33:Heb lacks were of the same size as the others. Back to text.
wGk Vg Compare verses 26, 31, 34:Heb jambs. Back to text.
xCn:Heb at the jambs of the gates. Back to text.
yCn:Heb to him who goes up. Back to text.
zGk:Heb and from without to the inner gate were chambers for singers. Back to text.
aGk:Heb which. Back to text.
bGk:Heb east. Back to text.
cGk:Heb and the breadth of the gate was three cubits. Back to text.
dGk:Heb eleven. Back to text.
eGk:Heb and by steps which went up. Back to text.
fCompare Gk:Heb tent. Back to text.
gGk:Heb breadth. Back to text.
hGk Compare 1 Kings 6:6:Heb they entered. Back to text.
iCn:Heb it was surrounded. Back to text.
jGk:Heb for the encompassing of the temple. Back to text.
kSyr:Heb lacks five cubits. Back to text.
lCn:Heb house of the side chambers. Back to text.
mCn:The meaning of the Hebrew term is unknown. Back to text.
nGk:Heb of the court. Back to text.
oGk:Heb the thresholds. Back to text.
pCn Compare Gk 1 Kings 6:4:The meaning of the Hebrew term is unknown. Back to text.
qCn:Heb measures and carved. Back to text.
rCn Compare verse 25:Heb and the wall. Back to text.
sGk:Heb lacks two cubits broad. Back to text.
tGk:Heb length. Back to text.
uCn:Heb vestibule. And the side chambers of the temple and the canopies. Back to text.
vGk:Heb outer. Back to text.
wGk:Heb door. Back to text.
xGk:Heb before the length. Back to text.
yThe meaning of the Hebrew word is unknown. Back to text.
zGk Syr:Heb a way of one cubit. Back to text.
aGk:Heb lacks outer. Back to text.
bCn Compare Gk:Heb in the breadth of the wall of the court. Back to text.
cGk:Heb east. Back to text.
dHeb and all their exits. Back to text.
eCn:Heb And according to the entrances of the chambers that were toward the south was an entrance at the head of the way, the way before the dividing wall toward the east as one enters them. Back to text.
fGk:Heb measuring reed round about. He measured. Back to text.
gGk Heb And like the vision. Back to text.
hSyr:Heb and the visions. Back to text.
iOr the monuments. Back to text.
jGk:Heb the temple that they may measure the pattern. Back to text.
kGk:Heb the form of. Back to text.
lCompare Gk:Heb its whole form. Back to text.
mGk:Heb lacks high. Back to text.
xGk:Heb back. Back to text.
nGk:Heb lacks one cubit high. Back to text.
oCn:Heb the Lord. Back to text.
pCn:Heb the entrance of. Back to text.
qGk:Heb lacks house. Back to text.
rGk:Heb it my temple. Back to text.
sGk Syr Vg:Heb they. Back to text.
tGk:Heb for you. Back to text.
uSyr Heb cleansed. Back to text.
vSyr:Heb lacks and then he shall be clean. Back to text.
wVg:Heb as an. Back to text.
xGk:Heb ten. Back to text.
yGk:Heb twenty chambers. Back to text.
zGk:Heb twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, fifteen shekels shall be your mina. Back to text.
aCn:Heb oil, the bath the oil. Back to text.
bVg:Heb homer. Back to text.
cGk:Heb watering places. Back to text.
dGk Compare Syr:Heb shall be to. Back to text.