fSyr Vg:Heb them. Back to text.
gSyr See Is 38:8 and Tg:Heb lacks the sun. Back to text.
hThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
iHeb pieces from there. Back to text.
jGk:Heb he burned the high place. Back to text.
kGk Compare Jer 39:4; 52:7:Heb lacks the king and fled. Back to text.
lWith Jer 40:7:Heb lacks in the open country. Back to text.
aGk Vg:Heb in Caleb Ephrathah. Back to text.
bGk:Heb Mesha. Back to text.
cHeb the father of Hebron. Back to text.
dGk Vg:Heb son. Back to text.
eGk Compare Syr Vg:Heb sons of. Back to text.
fGk Compare Vg:Heb father. Back to text.
gGk Vg:Heb lacks Meonothai. Back to text.
hThat is Valley of craftsmen. Back to text.
iThe clause:These are...married is transposed from verse 18. Back to text.
jHeb lacks and bore. Back to text.
kVg Compare Gk:Heb and Jashubi-lahem. Back to text.
lOr matters. Back to text.
mGk Vg:Heb and Epher. Back to text.
nCh 5:27 in Heb. Back to text.
oCh 6:1 in Heb. Back to text.
pGk Syr Compare verse 33 and 1 Sam 8:2:Heb lacks Joel. Back to text.
qHeb and Abijah. Back to text.
rSyr Compare Vg:Heb and to the sons. Back to text.
sHeb and Naaman. Back to text.
tOr he carried them into exile. Back to text.
uCompare 9:35:Heb lacks Jeiel. Back to text.
vCompare 8:35:Heb lacks and Ahaz. Back to text.
wHeb they. Back to text.
xCompare 2 Sam 23:8:Heb thirty or captains. Back to text.
yCompare 2 Sam 23:12:Heb they...their. Back to text.
zSyr:Heb three. Back to text.
aCompare 2 Sam 23:19:Heb more renowned among the two. Back to text.
bSyr:Heb the son of a valiant man. Back to text.
cGk:sons of Ariel. Heb lacks sons of. Back to text.
dCompare 2 Sam 23:25:Heb the Harorite. Back to text.
eCompare Gk and 2 Sam 23:32:Heb the sons of Hashem. Back to text.
fHeb verse 5. Back to text.
gHeb verse 6. Back to text.
hOr as officers of his troops. Back to text.
iGk:Heb lacks David. Back to text.
jOr and his brother. Back to text.
kThat is The breaking forth upon Uzzah. Back to text.
lHeb paraz. Back to text.
mThat is Lord of breaking through. Back to text.
nThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
oCompare Gk Syr Vg:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
pHeb their. Back to text.
qCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
rGk Vg:Heb one. Back to text.
sHeb hand. Back to text.
tGk Vg 2 Sam 8:6 Compare Syr:Heb lacks garrisons. Back to text.
uOr Milcom See 1 Kings 11:5. Back to text.
vCompare 2 Sam 12:31:Heb he sawed. Back to text.
wCompare 2 Sam 12:31:Heb saws. Back to text.
xVg Compare Gk Syr:Heb to the Gershonite. Back to text.
ySee 23:19:Heb lacks Hebron. Back to text.
zSee 23:19:Heb lacks the chief. Back to text.
aOne Ms:Gk:Heb lacks Shime-i. Back to text.
bGk:Heb Levites. Back to text.
cThe meaning of the word parbar is unknown. Back to text.
dThe Hebrew text of verse 21 is confused. Back to text.
eHeb Shelomith. Back to text.
fGk:Heb Ahohite and his division and Mikloth the chief officer. Back to text.
gGk Vg:Heb was his division. Back to text.
hCn:Heb upon me. Back to text.
iGk Vg:Heb hope. Back to text.
aGk Vg:Heb to. Back to text.
bCh 1:18 in Heb. Back to text.
cCh 2:1 in Heb. Back to text.
dSyr:Heb foundations. Back to text.
e1 Kings 6:3:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
fCompare Gk:Heb lacks one shekel. Back to text.
gGk:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
hHeb they overlaid. Back to text.
iHeb they. Back to text.
jCn:Heb in the inner sanctuary. Back to text.
k1 Kings 7:24:Heb oxen. Back to text.
lCompare verse 2:Heb ten. Back to text.
nGk Syr Vg:Heb toward the good way. Back to text.
oThe word you is plural here. Back to text.
m1 Kings 7:50:Heb the door of the house. Back to text.
pHeb them. Back to text.
qGk Syr Vg:Heb to. Back to text.
rHeb their. Back to text.
sGk Compare 1 Kings 10:8:Heb men. Back to text.
tGk Vg:The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
xOr baboons. Back to text.
uCn:Heb sought a multitude of wives. Back to text.
vHeb seer, to enroll oneself. Back to text.
wHeb they. Back to text.
xAnother reading is Ephrain. Back to text.
yCh 13:23 in Heb. Back to text.
zCh 14:1 in Heb. Back to text.
aHeb they. Back to text.
bHeb obscure. Back to text.
cCompare Syr Vg:Heb the prophecy, Oded the prophet. Back to text.
dHeb the vestibule of the LORD. Back to text.
eAnother reading is his father David. Back to text.
fCompare 26:7:Heb Ammonites. Back to text.
gOne Ms:Heb Aram (Syria). Back to text.
hOr the sword of judgment. Back to text.
iGk:Heb among them. Back to text.
jThat is Blessing. Back to text.
lHeb he. Back to text.
mCompare Vg:Heb and. Back to text.
nHeb clothed itself with. Back to text.
oGk Vg:Heb sons. Back to text.
pHeb founding. Back to text.
qGk:Heb But if you go, act, be strong for the battle. Back to text.
rGk Syr Vg Compare 2 Kings 16:7:Heb kings. Back to text.
sCompare 1 Chron 13:8:Heb with instruments of might. Back to text.
tHeb the tithe of the dedicated things. Back to text.
uVg:Heb and raised upon the towers. Back to text.
vOne Ms:Gk:Heb of Hozai. Back to text.
wHeb uncertain. Back to text.
xSyr Vg:Heb lacks had sent. Back to text.
yHeb obscure. Back to text.
a1 Esdras 2:13:Heb thirty. Back to text.
b1 Esdras 2:13:Heb of a second sort. Back to text.
c1 Esdras 2:14:Heb five thousand four hundred. Back to text.
dHeb nethinim. Back to text.
e1 Esdras 5:46:Heb lacks lived in Jerusalem and its vicinity. Back to text.
fHeb adds in Aramaic, indicating that 4:8—6:18 is in Aramaic. Another interpretation is The letter was written in the Aramaic script and set forth in the Aramaic language. Back to text.
gGk Syr:Aramaic We. Back to text.
hVg See Syr:Heb that was the foundation of the going up. Back to text.
xAramaic adds a word of uncertain meaning. Back to text.
iGk 1 Esdras 8:32:Heb lacks of Zattu. Back to text.
jGk 1 Esdras 8:36:Heb lacks Bani. Back to text.
kHeb nethinim. Back to text.
lHeb nail or tent-pin. Back to text.
mHeb a wall. Back to text.
n1 Esdras 9:2:Heb where he went. Back to text.
o1 Esdras 9:16 Syr:Heb and there were selected Ezra, etc. Back to text.
p1 Esdras 9:26 Gk:Heb Malchijah. Back to text.
qGk:Heb Bani, Binnui. Back to text.
r1 Esdras 9:36:Heb obscure. Back to text.
aHeb him. Back to text.
bOr lords. Back to text.
cOr abandoned. Back to text.
dOr foreman of half the portion assigned to. Back to text.
eCn:Heb were living. Back to text.
fOr Hammiphkad Gate. Back to text.
gCh 3:33 in Heb. Back to text.
hCh 4:1 in Heb. Back to text.
iCn:Heb you return. Back to text.
jCompare Gk Syr:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
kCn:Heb each his weapon the water. Back to text.
lHeb Gashmu. Back to text.
mOr would go into the temple to save his life. Back to text.
nAnother reading is saw. Back to text.
oHeb obscure. Back to text.
pHeb nethinim. Back to text.
qEzra 2:66 and the margins of some Hebrew Mss:Heb lacks their horses...forty-five. Back to text.
r1 Esdras 9:48 Vg:Heb and the Levites. Back to text.
sOr with interpretation. Back to text.
tGk:Heb lacks and Ezra said. Back to text.
uCh 10:1 in Heb. Back to text.
vCh 10:2 in Heb. Back to text.
aGk words. Back to text.
bGk Enemessarus. Back to text.
cOther authorities read heifer. Back to text.
dOther authorities read fifty-five. Back to text.
eGk his. Back to text.
fGk Sacherdonus. Back to text.
fGk Sacherdonus. Back to text.
gOr a second time. Back to text.
hGk him. Back to text.
iOther authorities read I. Back to text.
jGk they. Back to text.
kOther authorities read have not borne the name of. Back to text.
lGk to Hades. Back to text.
mGk his. Back to text.
nOther authorities read the great Raphael. And he. Back to text.
oOther authorities omit about the money. Back to text.
pGk he. Back to text.
qOther authorities omit Anna. Back to text.
rOther authorities read Rages. Back to text.
sGk she. Back to text.
tOther authorities read favor. Back to text.
uGk him. Back to text.
vGk his. Back to text.
wGk he. Back to text.
xCn:Gk And Tobias blessed his wife. Back to text.
yOne Gk Ms Lat:Gk they are put to shame or they are disappointed. Back to text.
zOther authorities read Nasbas. Back to text.
aGk he. Back to text.
bOther authorities read we. Back to text.
cGk your. Back to text.
dOr inlaid. Back to text.
eGk house. Back to text.
fOther authorities read Aman. Back to text.
gOther authorities read Manasses. Back to text.
hGk he. Back to text.
aOr a man. Back to text.
bThe meaning of the Greek of the last clause of this verse is uncertain. Back to text.
cGk them. Back to text.
dGk he. Back to text.
eOr crossed. Back to text.
fSyr:Gk borders. Back to text.
fGk his. Back to text.
gOther authorities add with it. Back to text.
hGk The track of their feet. Back to text.
iLat Syr:Gk people. Back to text.
jOther authorities add on the top of the hill. Back to text.
kOther authorities add than to die of thirst. Back to text.
lSome authorities add Uzziah and (see verses 28 and 35). Back to text.
mOr above. Back to text.
nGk our blood. Back to text.
oCn:Gk womb. Back to text.
pGk she. Back to text.
qGk They. Back to text.
rGk him. Back to text.
sOr chariot. Back to text.
tOther authorities omit in the camp. Back to text.
uGk them. Back to text.
vOther authorities read a psalm and praise. Back to text.
wOther authorities read feared. Back to text.
xGk they. Back to text.
yOr breath. Back to text.
aOr voices. Back to text.
aHeb the army. Back to text.
bOr rods. Back to text.
cOr a holiday. Back to text.
bGk he. Back to text.
cGk for they are looking upon us. Back to text.
dThe meaning of the Greek text of this clause is obscure. Back to text.
dGk: Heb lacks tomorrow. Back to text.
eHeb them. Back to text.
eOr priest, and Levitas. Back to text.
fCn:Gk brought in. Back to text.
aHeb the adversary. Back to text.
bHeb come. Back to text.
cHeb before. Back to text.
dOr more than. Back to text.
eHeb obscure. Back to text.
fAquila Symmachus Syr Vg:Heb snare. Back to text.
gHeb their. Back to text.
hCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
iHeb for yourself. Back to text.
jThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
kHeb obscure. Back to text.
lThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
mSyr Vg Compare Tg:Heb obscure. Back to text.
nCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb obscure. Back to text.
oHeb house. Back to text.
pGk Vg:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
qOr trampled the back of the sea dragon. Back to text.
rOr for my right. Back to text.
sCompare Gk:Heb me. The text of the verse is uncertain. Back to text.
tThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
uAnother reading is Would that there were. Back to text.
vCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb made me together round about and you destroy me. Back to text.
wGk:Heb like clay. Back to text.
xSyr:Heb he lifts himself up. Back to text.
yCn Compare Gk:Heb changes and a host are with me. Back to text.
zCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb Are not my days few? Let him cease. Back to text.
aHeb brighten up. Back to text.
bHeb gloom as darkness, deep darkness. Back to text.
cHeb obscure. Back to text.
dHeb The heights of heaven. Back to text.
eOr you will look around. Back to text.
fHebrew uncertain. Back to text.
gOr speak to the earth. Back to text.
hHeb him. Back to text.
iGk:Heb Why should I take? Back to text.
jHeb He. Back to text.
kGk Syr Vg:Heb me. Back to text.
lCn:Heb that he may desist. Back to text.
mVg:Heb obscure. Back to text.
nGk:Heb mouth. Back to text.
oCn:Heb will depart. Back to text.
pHeb you have. Back to text.
qSyr Vg Tg:Heb and. Back to text.
rHeb obscure. Back to text.
sCn:Heb it consumes the limbs of his skin. Back to text.
tHeb their way. Back to text.
uOr Vindicator. Back to text.
vOr dust. Back to text.
wOr without. Back to text.
xThe meaning of this verse is uncertain. Back to text.
yOr for myself. Back to text.
zHeb he. Back to text.
aCn:Heb in his flesh. Back to text.
bHeb his. Back to text.
cHeb he. Back to text.
dThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
eCn Compare Gk:Heb or darkness. Back to text.
fGk Syr:Heb them. Back to text.
gGk:Heb you will be built up. Back to text.
hCn:Heb when they abased you said, Proud. Back to text.
iGk Syr Vg:Heb him that is not innocent. Back to text.
jSyr Vg Tg:Heb rebellious. Back to text.
kGk Syr:Heb my. Back to text.
lCompare Syr:Heb on the left hand when he works. Back to text.
mSyr Vg:Heb he. Back to text.
nGk Vg:Heb from. Back to text.
oWith one Ms:Heb am not. Back to text.
pVg:Heb from my face. Back to text.
qHeb food to him. Back to text.
rHeb his. Back to text.
sHeb their olive rows. Back to text.
tCn:Heb at the light. Back to text.
uCn:Heb obscure. Back to text.
vCn:Heb a worm. Back to text.
wHeb he. Back to text.
xGk:Heb all. Back to text.
yHeb him. Back to text.
zOr his throne. Back to text.
aCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb He builds his house like the moth. Back to text.
bGk Compare Syr:Heb shall not be gathered. Back to text.
cOr he (that is God). Back to text.
dOr his. Back to text.
eOr lapis lazuli. Back to text.
fGk:Heb its price. Back to text.
gOr lapis lazuli. Back to text.
hHeb ground yesterday waste. Back to text.
iHeb my feet. Back to text.
jCn:Heb helps. Back to text.
kCn:Heb like. Back to text.
lGk:Heb my garment is disfigured. Back to text.
mOne Heb Ms and Vg:Heb lacks not. Back to text.
nCn:Heb obscure. Back to text.
oCn:Heb for from my youth he grew up to me as a father, and from my mother’s womb I guided her. Back to text.
pHeb the light. Back to text.
qHeb like men or like Adam. Back to text.
rGk Syr Vg:Heb many. Back to text.
sCompare Gk:Heb his. Back to text.
tCn:Heb hide. Back to text.
uCn:Heb returns. Back to text.
vSyr:Heb to be lighted with the light of life. Back to text.
wHeb lacks on him. Back to text.
xHeb his heart his spirit. Back to text.
yCn:Heb yet. Back to text.
zThe Hebrew of verses 29–33 is obscure. Back to text.
aTheodotion Symmachus Compare Vg:The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
bHeb among the cult prostitutes. Back to text.
cCn:Heb they distil. Back to text.
dHeb them. Back to text.
eCn Compare Syr:Heb shower of rain and shower of rains. Back to text.
fVg Compare Syr Tg:Heb that all men whom he has made may know it. Back to text.
gCn:Heb they stand forth. Back to text.
hThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
iHeb your grain and your threshing floor. Back to text.
jHeb obscure. Back to text.
kHeb obscure. Back to text.
lTg:The meaning of the Hebrew word is obscure. Back to text.
mGk Syr Vg:Heb they dig. Back to text.
nHeb hidden place. Back to text.
oOr the hippopotamus. Back to text.
pHeb ways. Back to text.
qCn:Heb in his eyes. Back to text.
rCh 40:25 in Heb. Back to text.
sOr the crocodile. Back to text.
tCh 41:1 in Heb. Back to text.
uThe meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain. Back to text.
vGk:Heb bridle. Back to text.
wCn Compare Gk Vg:Heb pride. Back to text.
xOr gods. Back to text.
yHeb qesitah. Back to text.
aCn:kiss his feet. The Hebrew of 11b and 12a is uncertain. Back to text.
bOr for me. Back to text.
cCn:Heb return. Back to text.
dHeb he. Back to text.
eGk Syr Jerome Tg:Heb flee to your mountain, O bird. Back to text.
fSyr:Heb hold counsels. Back to text.
gJerome Tg:The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain. Back to text.
hCn:The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain. Back to text.
iOr gentleness. Back to text.
jGk Tg:Heb people. Back to text.
kGk Jerome Compare Syr:Heb line. Back to text.
lGk:Heb give victory, O LORD, let the King answer us when we call. Back to text.
mGk Syr Jerome:Heb like a lion. Back to text.
nHeb my only one. Back to text.
oGk Syr:Heb you have answered me. Back to text.
pOr poor. Back to text.
qGk Syr Jerome:Heb you. Back to text.
rCn:Heb they have eaten and. Back to text.
sHeb the waters of rest. Back to text.
tOr life. Back to text.
uOr right paths. Back to text.
vOr the valley of deep darkness. Back to text.
wOr Only. Back to text.
xOr kindness. Back to text.
yOr as long as I live. Back to text.
zGk Syr:Heb your face, O Jacob. Back to text.
aGk Syr Jerome Tg Compare verse 7:Heb lift up. Back to text.
bOr The troubles of my heart are enlarged; bring me. Back to text.
cOr in your faithfulness. Back to text.
dOr refuge. Back to text.
eOr uttering slanders against me. Back to text.
fHeb your innermost sanctuary. Back to text.
gOr heavenly beings. Back to text.
hOr makes the deer bring forth young. Back to text.
iOr that I should not go down to the Pit. Back to text.
jHeb that glory. Back to text.
kWith one Heb Ms Gk Syr Jerome:Heb I hate. Back to text.
lGk Syr:Heb iniquity. Back to text.
mCn:Heb exceedingly. Back to text.
nAnother reading is cut off. Back to text.
oHeb obscure. Back to text.
pCn:Heb at a time of finding only. Back to text.
qCn:Heb shouts of deliverance. Back to text.
rGk Syr Jerome:Heb their. Back to text.
sThe word pit is transposed from the preceding line. Back to text.
tOr My prayer turned back. Back to text.
uCn Compare Gk:Heb like the profanest of mockers of a cake. Back to text.
vGk:Heb obscure. Back to text.
wGk Syr Jerome:Heb he. Back to text.
xCn:Heb living. Back to text.
yHeb muzzle. Back to text.
zHeb hostility. Back to text.
aCn:Heb pit of tumult. Back to text.
bHeb ears you have dug for me. Back to text.
cOr weak. Back to text.
dHeb you change all his bed. Back to text.
eGk Syr:Heb You are my King, O God; ordain. Back to text.
fHeb a shaking of the head. Back to text.
gCn:Heb and the meekness of. Back to text.
hOr Your throne is a throne of God, or Your throne, O God. Back to text.
iHeb daughter. Back to text.
jOr people. All glorious is the princess within, gold embroidery is her clothing. Back to text.
kHeb those brought to you. Back to text.
lOr well proved. Back to text.
mOr fortress. Back to text.
nHeb Maskil. Back to text.
oAnother reading is no man can ransom his brother. Back to text.
pGk:Heb their. Back to text.
qGk Syr Compare Tg:Heb their inward (thought). Back to text.
rTg:Heb after them. Back to text.
sCn:Heb the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning. Back to text.
tHeb uncertain. Back to text.
uOr wealth. Back to text.
vGk Syr Tg:Heb mountains. Back to text.
wOr make thanksgiving your sacrifice to God. Back to text.
xSyr Fill me with. Back to text.
yOr steadfast. Back to text.
zOr death. Back to text.
aOr My sacrifice, O God. Back to text.
bCn Compare Syr:Heb the kindness of God. Back to text.
cSyr Tg:Heb his destruction. Back to text.
dCn:Heb wait for. Back to text.
eCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb him who encamps against you. Back to text.
fGk:Heb you will put to shame. Back to text.
gAnother reading is strangers. Back to text.
hGk Syr Jerome:Heb of or with those who uphold. Back to text.
iCn Compare Gk:Heb they cause to totter. Back to text.
jTg:Heb lacks their plans. Back to text.
kOr desolations. Back to text.
lCn:Heb evils are in their habitation, in their midst. Back to text.
mOr do not change. Back to text.
nOr what he has given you. Back to text.
oCn:Heb deliver. Back to text.
pOr because. Back to text.
qCn:Heb are aflame. Back to text.
sOr mighty lords. Back to text.
tCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
uCn:Heb swords in. Back to text.
vSyr:Heb I will watch for you. Back to text.
wGk Syr Jerome:Heb truth. Back to text.
xOr by his holiness. Back to text.
ySyr:Heb them. Back to text.
zCn:Heb they search out crimes. Back to text.
aCn:Heb They will bring him to ruin, their tongue being against them. Back to text.
bGk:Heb me. Back to text.
cCn Compare Gk Syr Jerome Tg:Heb saturation. Back to text.
dOr cast up a highway for him who rides through the deserts. Back to text.
eCn:Heb The Lord among them Sinai in the holy place. Back to text.
fGk Syr Tg:Heb shatter. Back to text.
gOr have been seen. Back to text.
hCn:Heb trampling. Back to text.
iThe Hebrew of verse 30 is obscure. Back to text.
jGk:Heb from your. Back to text.
kGk Syr:Heb I wept with fasting my soul or I made my soul mourn with fasting. Back to text.
lTg:Heb for security. Back to text.
mOne Ms Tg Compare Syr:Heb those. Back to text.
nGk Syr:Heb recount the pain of. Back to text.
oSyr:Heb and they shall dwell. Back to text.
pGk Compare 31:3:Heb to come continually you have commanded. Back to text.
qGk Compare Syr:Heb to a generation, to all that come. Back to text.
rGk:Heb may they fear you. Back to text.
sCn:Heb those who dwell in the wilderness. Back to text.
tOr Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. Back to text.
uCn:Heb his people return hither. Back to text.
vCn:Heb abundant waters are drained by them. Back to text.
wCn:Heb Lord. Back to text.
xOr honor. Back to text.
yHeb rock. Back to text.
zCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
aCn:Heb consume your right hand from. Back to text.
bHeb food for the people. Back to text.
cGk Syr:Heb the. Back to text.
dSyr Compare Gk:Heb and near is your name. They recount. Back to text.
eGk:Heb declare. Back to text.
fHeb I. Back to text.
gGk:Heb the mountains of prey. Back to text.
hGk Syr:Heb my music. Back to text.
iSyr Jerome:Heb my spirit searches. Back to text.
jHeb armed with shooting. Back to text.
kSyr:Heb strife. Back to text.
lHeb planted and upon the son whom you have reared for yourself. Back to text.
mOr against. Back to text.
nHeb his. Back to text.
oCn Compare verse 16b:Heb he would feed him. Back to text.
pOr fall as one man, O princes. Back to text.
qOr a tumbleweed. Back to text.
rHeb lacks to Zion. Back to text.
sGk:Heb but let them not turn back to folly. Back to text.
tCn:Heb O LORD, God of my salvation. Back to text.
uThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
vGk:Heb the merciful love of the LORD. Back to text.
wOr sons of gods. Back to text.
xGk Syr:Heb greatly awesome. Back to text.
yCn:Heb are exalted in. Back to text.
zCn:Heb help. Back to text.
aCn:Heb the witness in the skies is sure. Back to text.
bCn:Heb removed his cleanness. Back to text.
cCn:Heb I. Back to text.
dCn:Heb all of many. Back to text.
eAnother reading is refuge. Back to text.
fSyr:Heb we bring our years to an end. Back to text.
gCn Compare Gk Syr Jerome Tg:Heb pride. Back to text.
hCn:Heb Because you, LORD, are my refuge; you have made. Back to text.
iSyr:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
jCn:Heb mighty the waves. Back to text.
kCn:Heb You who love the LORD hate evil. Back to text.
lGk Syr Jerome:Heb is sown. Back to text.
mCn:Heb and the king’s strength. Back to text.