eCn:Heb perpetual ordinances continually. Back to text.
fGk:Heb it is his inheritance. Back to text.
gGk Syr Vg:The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
hHeb obscure. Back to text.
iCompare Syr:Heb into the sea to the sea those that were made to issue forth. Back to text.
jGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb two rivers. Back to text.
kCompare Syr:Heb lacks the waters of the sea. Back to text.
lGk:Heb the entrance of Zedad, Hamath. Back to text.
mHeb obscure. Back to text.
nCn:Heb lacks Hazar-enon. Back to text.
oCompare Syr:Heb you shall measure. Back to text.
pCompare 47:15:Heb by the side of the way. Back to text.
qCn:Heb and they shall be his. Back to text.
rGk Compare verses 2–8:Heb the east side the west. Back to text.
sCompare 45:1:Heb ten. Back to text.
tOne Ms Gk:Heb of the sons. Back to text.
uGk:Heb ten. Back to text.
vCn:Heb and from the property of the Levites and from the property of the city. Back to text.
wOne Ms Gk Syr:Heb their gates three. Back to text.
aHeb adds in Aramaic, indicating that the text from this point to the end of chapter 7 is in Aramaic. Back to text.
bAramaic by the seed of men. Back to text.
cOr Behold, our God...king. Or If our God is able to deliver us, he will deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and out of your hand, O king. Back to text.
dThe meaning of the Aramaic word is uncertain. Back to text.
eCh 3:31 in Aramaic. Back to text.
fCh 4:1 in Aramaic. Back to text.
gOr Spirit of the holy God. Back to text.
hCn:Aramaic visions of. Back to text.
iOr Spirit of the holy God. Back to text.
jTheodotion Vg:Aramaic golden vessels. Back to text.
kOr Spirit of the holy God. Back to text.
lAramaic repeats the king your father. Back to text.
mOr thronging. Back to text.
nHeb obscure. Back to text.
oHeb obscure. Back to text.
pTheodotion Gk Syr Vg:Heb me. Back to text.
qOr shaggy he-goat. Back to text.
rTheodotion Gk Vg:Heb the. Back to text.
sTheodotion and Beatty papyrus of Gk:Heb repeats but not with his power from verse 22. Back to text.
tTheodotion Vg Compare Syr:Heb for the Lord’s sake. Back to text.
uGk Syr:Heb made to understand. Back to text.
vOr thing or one. Back to text.
wOr his. Back to text.
xTheodotion Compare Gk:Heb I was left there with the kings of Persia. Back to text.
yOr supported. Back to text.
zGk:Heb from a branch. Back to text.
aHeb at the end of the times years. Back to text.
bGk:Heb upright ones. Back to text.
cHeb her or it. Back to text.
dHeb obscure. Back to text.
eOr among the richest men. Back to text.
fGk:Heb among them. Back to text.
gHeb thrust at. Back to text.
hGk Vg:Heb he. Back to text.
aThe Greek words for mastic tree and cut are so similar that the use of cut is ironic wordplay. Back to text.
bThe Greek words for evergreen oak and saw are so similar that the use of saw is ironic wordplay. Back to text.
aGk him. Back to text.
aHeb I am not yours. Back to text.
bCh 2:1 in Heb. Back to text.
cCh 2:3 in Heb. Back to text.
dGk:Heb brothers. Back to text.
eGk Vg:Heb sisters. Back to text.
fGk Syr:Heb your. Back to text.
gHeb them. Back to text.
hHeb break. Back to text.
iThat is God sows. Back to text.
jCn:Heb her. Back to text.
kCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
lCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
mCn Compare Gk:Heb of this line uncertain. Back to text.
nHeb her. Back to text.
oGk Syr:Heb sacrifices. Back to text.
pCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
qHeb Israel and Ephraim. Back to text.
rCn Compare Gk:Heb after you. Back to text.
sGk:Heb a command. Back to text.
tCn:Heb a king that will contend. Back to text.
uGk Syr:Heb your judgment goes forth. Back to text.
vCn:Heb like. Back to text.
wCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
xSyr:Heb a company. Back to text.
yGk Syr:Heb brought near. Back to text.
zCn:Heb according to the report to their congregation. Back to text.
aCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
bCn:Heb as. Back to text.
cHeb He has. Back to text.
dGk:Heb for from Israel. Back to text.
eOr shall go up in flames. Back to text.
fGk:Heb begin. Back to text.
gGk:Heb burden. Back to text.
hCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
iGk:Heb to exultation. Back to text.
jCn:Heb to them. Back to text.
kCn:Heb from destruction. Back to text.
lHeb shame. Back to text.
mCn Compare Gk:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
nHeb he. Back to text.
oGk Syr:Heb calves. Back to text.
pCn:Heb exult. Back to text.
qCn:Heb a king that will contend. Back to text.
rCn:Heb counsel. Back to text.
sCn Compare Gk:Heb in my desire. Back to text.
tGk:Heb bound. Back to text.
uGk:Heb according to. Back to text.
vGk:Heb way. Back to text.
wGk:Heb O Bethel. Back to text.
xCn:Heb dawn. Back to text.
yGk:Heb they. Back to text.
zGk:Heb them. Back to text.
aGk Syr Vg:Heb his. Back to text.
bHeb man. Back to text.
cCn:Heb counsels. Back to text.
dThe meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain. Back to text.
eCn:Heb into the city. Back to text.
fCh 12:1 in Heb. Back to text.
gCn Compare Gk:Heb roams with. Back to text.
hGk Syr:Heb us. Back to text.
iCn Compare Gk:Heb obscure. Back to text.
jGk:Heb to these they say sacrifices of. Back to text.
kCn:Heb according to their pasture. Back to text.
lGk Syr:Heb for in me. Back to text.
mGk Syr Vg:Heb I will be. Back to text.
nCn:Heb in all. Back to text.
oCn:Heb cities. Back to text.
pCn Compare Gk:Heb and your judges. Back to text.
qGk Syr:Heb I will be. Back to text.
rCn:Heb among brothers. Back to text.
sCh 14:1 in Heb. Back to text.
tGk Syr:Heb bulls. Back to text.
uCn:Heb Lebanon. Back to text.
vHeb his. Back to text.
wCn:Heb they shall grow grain. Back to text.
xHeb him. Back to text.
aHeb uncertain. Back to text.
bGk Syr Vg:Heb take a pledge. Back to text.
cCh 3:1 in Heb. Back to text.
dCh 4:1 in Heb. Back to text.
eOr palaces. Back to text.
gGk Syr:Heb I will hold innocent their blood which I have not held innocent. Back to text.
aOr during two years. Back to text.
bHeb cause it to return. Back to text.
cOr On. Back to text.
dGk Syr Vg:Heb his wrath kept. Back to text.
eHeb cause it to return. Back to text.
fGk:Heb Ashdod. Back to text.
gThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
hOr many houses. Back to text.
iCn:Heb the multitude of. Back to text.
jHeb with the captivity of your horses. Back to text.
kHeb your images, your star-god. Back to text.
lOr who makes a burning for him. Back to text.
nOr a thing of nought. Back to text.
oOr horns. Back to text.
pOr one of the sons of the prophets. Back to text.
qHeb qayits. Back to text.
rHeb qets. Back to text.
sor palace. Back to text.
tor be silent!. Back to text.
uOr upon. Back to text.
vHeb all of them. Back to text.
aOr Sela. Back to text.
bCn:Heb swallow. Back to text.
cCn:Heb this army. Back to text.
dCn:Heb which. Back to text.
aCh 2:1 in Heb. Back to text.
bHeb qiqayon, probably the castor oil plant. Back to text.
aGk Tg Compare Syr:Heb what are the high places. Back to text.
bGk Syr Vg:Heb wounds. Back to text.
cCn:Heb it was. Back to text.
dCn:Heb the rebellious. Back to text.
eCn:Heb yesterday my people rose. Back to text.
fCn:Heb from before a garment. Back to text.
gGk:Heb as. Back to text.
hHeb uncertain. Back to text.
iGk Syr Tg:Heb I will. Back to text.
jCh 4:14 in Heb. Back to text.
kCn Compare Gk:Heb obscure. Back to text.
lCh 5:1 in Heb. Back to text.
mGk:Heb in our palaces. Back to text.
nCn:Heb in its entrances. Back to text.
oHeb he. Back to text.
pOr steadfast love. Back to text.
qCn Compare Gk:Heb and who has appointed it yet. Back to text.
rCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
sHeb whose. Back to text.
tGk Syr Vg:Heb have made sick. Back to text.
uGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb the statutes of Omri are kept. Back to text.
vHeb its. Back to text.
wGk:Heb my people. Back to text.
xHeb your. Back to text.
yCn:Heb and cities of. Back to text.
zHeb him. Back to text.
aGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb their. Back to text.
aGk:Heb her place. Back to text.
bGk:Heb rise up. Back to text.
cCn:Heb distress. Back to text.
dHeb are consumed, drunken as with their drink. Back to text.
eCn:Heb fully. Back to text.
fHeb uncertain. Back to text.
gCh 2:1 in Heb. Back to text.
hCn:The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
iCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb cypresses. Back to text.
jThe meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain. Back to text.
kCn Compare Gk:Heb from the days that she has become, and they. Back to text.
lCn:Heb pasture. Back to text.
mHeb her. Back to text.
nGk:Heb you. Back to text.
oHeb No-amon. Back to text.
pGk:Heb your. Back to text.
qOr marshals. Back to text.
aCn:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
bHeb his portion is fat. Back to text.
cCn:Heb is puffed up. Back to text.
dOr faithfulness. Back to text.
eThe Hebrew of these two lines is obscure. Back to text.
fCn:Heb joining to your wrath. Back to text.
gCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb be uncircumcised. Back to text.
hGk Syr:Heb them. Back to text.
iCn:Heb obscure. Back to text.
jHeb uncertain. Back to text.
kCn:Heb head from the house of the wicked. Back to text.
lHeb obscure. Back to text.
mHeb his. Back to text.
nVg Compare Gk Syr:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
oCn Compare Gk:Heb I tremble because. Back to text.
pHeb my stringed. Back to text.
aCn:Heb the stumbling blocks. Back to text.
bCompare Gk:Heb idolatrous priests with the priests. Back to text.
cCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb before a decree is born; like chaff a day has passed away. Back to text.
dTg Compare Gk:Heb nation. Back to text.
eThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
fCn:Heb a voice. Back to text.
gGk Vg:Heb desolation. Back to text.
hGk Syr:Heb and her dwelling will not be cut off. Back to text.
iGk Syr:Heb he will be silent. Back to text.
jGk Syr:Heb obscure. Back to text.
kCn:Heb they were. Back to text.
aGk:Heb since they were. Back to text.
aCh 2:1 in Heb. Back to text.
bCh 2:5 in Heb. Back to text.
cCn:Heb gold. Back to text.
dGk Compare Syr:Heb eye. Back to text.
eCompare Gk:The meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
fCn:Heb after them. Back to text.
gGk Mss:Heb crowns. Back to text.
hGk:Heb crowns. Back to text.
iWith verse 10:Heb Helem. Back to text.
jWith verse 10:Heb Hen. Back to text.
kCn:Heb the eye of Adam (or man). Back to text.
lCn:Heb the slingstones. Back to text.
mGk:Heb be turbulent. Back to text.
nOr he-goats. Back to text.
oCn:Heb distress. Back to text.
pGk:Heb walk. Back to text.
qSyr:Heb to the potter. Back to text.
rsyr Compare Gk Vg:Heb the youth. Back to text.
tCn:Heb for man has caused me to possess. Back to text.
uHeb my. Back to text.
vGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb you. Back to text.
wCompare Gk Syr Vg Tg:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
xOr ban of utter destruction. Back to text.
yGk Syr:Heb shall not. Back to text.
aOr my messenger. Back to text.
bGk:Heb you. Back to text.
cHeb its fruit, its food. Back to text.
dAnother reading is it. Back to text.
eCn Compare Gk Syr:Heb and he shall bear you to it. Back to text.
fOr law. Back to text.
gCn Compare Gk:Heb arouse. Back to text.
hOr has he not made one? Back to text.
iCn:Heb and a remnant of spirit was his. Back to text.
jCn:Heb he hates. Back to text.
kOr devouring locust. Back to text.
lCh 4:1–6 are Ch 3:19–24 in the Hebrew. Back to text.
mOr ban of utter destruction. Back to text.
aGreek adds and he defeated. Back to text.
b175 B.C. Back to text.
c169 B.C. Back to text.
d167 B.C. Back to text.
eThe text of this verse is uncertain. Back to text.
fOther authorities read has not had a part in her kingdom. Back to text.
gGk they. Back to text.
hOr of the people. Back to text.
i166 B.C. Back to text.
jGk it. Back to text.
kOther authorities read him. Back to text.
lGk him. Back to text.
m165 B.C. Back to text.
nSyr:Gk slaves. Back to text.
oGk they. Back to text.
pOr and some fell on the opposite side. Back to text.
qGk whole. Back to text.
r164 B.C. Back to text.
sGreek adds to hold it. Back to text.
tGk her. Back to text.
uGk they. Back to text.
vGk aliens. Back to text.
wGk them. Back to text.
xGk those. Back to text.
yGk they. Back to text.
zGreek lacks of Dathema. See verse 9. Back to text.
aGk and they were attacking them. Back to text.
bThe name is uncertain. Back to text.
cOther authorities read Samaria. Back to text.
dGk them. Back to text.
eGk they. Back to text.
f163 B.C. Back to text.
gGk his. Back to text.
hGk He. Back to text.
iGk it. Back to text.
j162 B.C. Back to text.
kThe Greek text underlying the sons...the citadel is uncertain. Back to text.
lGk those over the reins. Back to text.
mGk they. Back to text.
nGk them. Back to text.
oCn:Some authorities read thirty; others thirty-two. Back to text.
pGk they. Back to text.
qGk They. Back to text.
rOther authorities read in the sanctuary. Back to text.
sGk them. Back to text.
tGk they. Back to text.
u161 B.C. Back to text.
vGk he. Back to text.
wOr many of his men who had deserted. Back to text.
xGk he. Back to text.
yGk they were prevented. Back to text.
zGk they. Back to text.
aGk of them. Back to text.
bGk he. Back to text.
cGk They. Back to text.
dGk them. Back to text.
eGk these. Back to text.
fGk they. Back to text.
gOr Kittim. Back to text.
hGk them. Back to text.
iGk they. Back to text.
j160 B.C. Back to text.
kGk the army. Back to text.
lGk he. Back to text.
mGk they. Back to text.
nGk He. Back to text.
oSome authorities omit and. Back to text.
p159 B.C. Back to text.
qGk they. Back to text.
rOther authorities read they. Back to text.
sGk him. Back to text.
t152 B.C. Back to text.
uGk them. Back to text.
vGk he. Back to text.
wGk he. Back to text.
x152 B.C. Back to text.
yThe Greek text of this verse is uncertain. Back to text.
zGk house. Back to text.
aGk they. Back to text.
bGk he. Back to text.
cOther authorities read Alexander fled, and Demetrius. Back to text.
d150 B.C. Back to text.
eGk he. Back to text.
f147 B.C. Back to text.
gGk He. Back to text.
hGk their. Back to text.
iGk his. Back to text.
jOther ancient authorities read they. Back to text.
kGk he. Back to text.
lGk him. Back to text.
m145 B.C. Back to text.
nCn:Gk the three districts and Samaria. Back to text.
oOr Samaria, for all those who offer sacrifice in Jerusalem, in place of. Back to text.
pGk him. Back to text.
qGk he. Back to text.
rGk him. Back to text.
sGk beasts. Back to text.
tGk them. Back to text.
uGk they. Back to text.
vGk them. Back to text.
wVg Compare verse 20:Gk Darius. Back to text.
xGk they. Back to text.
yGk they. Back to text.
zGk them. Back to text.
aOther ancient authorities omit and withdrew. Back to text.
bGk they. Back to text.
cGk he. Back to text.
dGk I. Back to text.
eGk he. Back to text.
fGk for these. Back to text.
gThe word you in verses 37–40 is plural. Back to text.
hOr court. Back to text.
i142 B.C. Back to text.
jGk he. Back to text.
kCn:Gk Gaza. Back to text.
l141 B.C. Back to text.
mGk they. Back to text.
nGk he. Back to text.
o140 B.C. Back to text.
pOther authorities add of Judah. Back to text.
qGk them. Back to text.
r140 B.C. Back to text.
sThis word resembles the Hebrew words for the court of the people of God or the prince of the people of God. Back to text.
tThe Greek text of this phrase is uncertain. Back to text.
uGk their. Back to text.
vGk them. Back to text.
wOther authorities read conduct. Back to text.
xGk their. Back to text.
yGk his. Back to text.
zGk they. Back to text.
aGk honor; and that. Back to text.
bOr to preside over them all. Back to text.
c138 B.C. Back to text.
dGk He. Back to text.
eThe name is uncertain. Back to text.
fOr on the second day. Back to text.
gGk him. Back to text.
hGk He. Back to text.
iOther authorities read he. Back to text.
jGk he. Back to text.
k134 B.C. Back to text.
a143 B.C. Back to text.
b124 B.C. Back to text.
cCn:Gk as those who array themselves against a king. Back to text.
dGk nephthai. Back to text.
eGk he. Back to text.
fGk Apollonius son of Tharseas. Back to text.
gGk He. Back to text.
hSome authorities read and. Back to text.
iGk and. Back to text.
jVg Compare verse 21:Gk uncertain. Back to text.
kOr by a petition. Back to text.
lGk he. Back to text.
mSome authorities add subjecting them. Back to text.
nThe exact meaning of the Greek word is uncertain. Back to text.
oGk he. Back to text.
pGk He. Back to text.
qGk him. Back to text.
rOr in each city. Back to text.
sGk they. Back to text.
tOther authorities read the people. Back to text.
uCn:Gk Imprisoned. Back to text.
vGk he. Back to text.
wOr worse than the others did in his malice toward the Jewish citizens. Back to text.
xGk he. Back to text.
ySome authorities read Antiochian. Back to text.
zOr Geron an Athenian. Back to text.
aGk they. Back to text.
bOther authorities read was dragged. Back to text.
cThe Greek text of this verse is uncertain. Back to text.
dGk he. Back to text.
eGk they. Back to text.
fGk him. Back to text.
gLat:other authorities omit Therefore. Back to text.
hGk he. Back to text.
iOr have borne the burden of your education. Back to text.
jOr God made them out of things that did not exist. Back to text.
kThe Greek here for you is plural. Back to text.
lThe Greek here for you is singular. Back to text.
mCn:Gk fallen. Back to text.
nGk he. Back to text.
oGk they. Back to text.
pThe Greek text of this clause is uncertain. Back to text.
qGk their arms. Back to text.
rThe Greek text of this verse is uncertain. Back to text.
sGk they were defeated. Back to text.
tOr think thoughts proper only to God. Back to text.
uCn:The Greek text here is uncertain. Back to text.
vAbout twenty miles. The text is uncertain here. Back to text.
wGk he. Back to text.
xThe Greek text here is corrupt. Back to text.
y164 B.C. Back to text.
z164 B.C. Back to text.
a164 B.C. Back to text.
bGk them. Back to text.
cGk they. Back to text.
dGk two hundred and forty stadia. Back to text.
eGk nine stadia. Back to text.
fGk them. Back to text.
gThe Greek text here is uncertain. Back to text.
hGk two stadia. Back to text.
iGk seven hundred and fifty stadia. Back to text.
jGk them. Back to text.
kGk he. Back to text.
lThe Greek text of this sentence is uncertain. Back to text.
mGk the. Back to text.
nGk six hundred stadia. Back to text.
o163 B.C. Back to text.
pOr the worst of the things that had been done. Back to text.
qThe Greek text here is uncertain. Back to text.
rOr faltered. Back to text.
sThe Greek text of this clause is uncertain. Back to text.
t161 B.C. Back to text.
uThe Greek text is uncertain. Back to text.
vGk they. Back to text.
wGk he. Back to text.
xThe name is uncertain. Back to text.
yOther authorities read slowly. Back to text.
zGk they. Back to text.
aGk greatest. Back to text.
bThe Greek text here is uncertain. Back to text.
cGk he. Back to text.
dThe Greek text here is uncertain. Back to text.
eGk beasts. Back to text.
fGk he. Back to text.
New Testament
aGreek Aram. Back to text.
bGreek Asaph. Back to text.
cOther authorities read Amon. Back to text.
dGreek Salathiel. Back to text.
fOther ancient authorities read of the Christ. Back to text.
gOther ancient authorities add to him. Back to text.
hOr my Son, my (or the) Beloved. Back to text.
iOther ancient authorities insert without cause. Back to text.
jGreek says Raca to (an obscure term of abuse). Back to text.
kGreek Gehenna. Back to text.
lOr Evil. Back to text.
mOr our bread for the morrow. Back to text.
nOr the evil one. Other authorities, some ancient, add, in some form, For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen. Back to text.
oOr worm. Back to text.
pOr to his stature. Back to text.
qOther ancient authorities read for the way is wide and easy. Back to text.
rGreek to them. Back to text.
sOther ancient authorities read with no one. Back to text.
tOther ancient authorities read Gergesenes; some, Gerasenes. Back to text.
uOther ancient authorities read seeing. Back to text.
vGreek reclined. Back to text.
wOther ancient authorities add much or often. Back to text.