pCompare Heb balal, confuse. Back to text.
qOr in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Back to text.
rOr Terebinth. Back to text.
sOr Terebinths. Back to text.
tThat is God hears. Back to text.
uCn: Heb have I even here seen after him who sees me? Back to text.
vThat is the well of one who sees and lives. Back to text.
wHeb El Shaddai. Back to text.
xThat is exalted father. Back to text.
yHere taken to mean father of a multitude. Back to text.
zThat is he laughs. Back to text.
aOr Terebinths. Back to text.
bHeb seahs. Back to text.
cOr wonderful. Back to text.
dOr in him all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. Back to text.
eHeb known. Back to text.
fGk Syr Vg: Heb he. Back to text.
gThat is Little. Back to text.
hGk Vg: Heb lacks with her son Isaac. Back to text.
iGk: Heb she lifted up her voice. Back to text.
jThat is Well of seven or Well of the oath. Back to text.
kOr see. Back to text.
lOr he will be seen. Back to text.
nSyr Tg: Heb from coming to. Back to text.
oHeb adds of Sarah his mother. Back to text.
pHeb fell. Back to text.
qSyr: Heb obscure. Back to text.
rThat is He takes by the heel or He supplants. Back to text.
sThat is Red. Back to text.
tHeb today. Back to text.
uThat is Contention. Back to text.
vThat is Enmity. Back to text.
wThat is Broad places or Room. Back to text.
xCn: Heb of all. Back to text.
yOr of. Back to text.
zHeb El Shaddai. Back to text.
aOr beside him. Back to text.
bOr be blessed. Back to text.
cThat is The house of God. Back to text.
dThat is See, a son. Back to text.
eHeb shama. Back to text.
fHeb lawah. Back to text.
gHeb hodah. Back to text.
hThat is He judged. Back to text.
iHeb niphtal. Back to text.
jThat is Fortune. Back to text.
kThat is Blessed. Back to text.
lHeb sakar. Back to text.
mHeb zabal. Back to text.
nThat is He adds. Back to text.
oIn Aramaic The heap of witness. Back to text.
pIn Hebrew The heap of witness. Back to text.
qCompare Sam: Heb lacks the pillar. Back to text.
rThat is Watchpost. Back to text.
sCh 32:1 in Heb. Back to text.
tHere taken to mean Two armies. Back to text.
uThat is He who strives with God or God strives. Back to text.
vThat is The face of God. Back to text.
wThat is Booths. Back to text.
xHeb a hundred qesitah. Back to text.
yThat is God, the God of Israel. Back to text.
zThat is God of Bethel. Back to text.
aThat is Oak of weeping. Back to text.
bHeb El Shaddai. Back to text.
cThat is Son of my sorrow. Back to text.
dThat is Son of the right hand or Son of the South. Back to text.
eSam Gk Syr: Heb daughter. Back to text.
fGk Syr: Heb daughter. Back to text.
gGk: Heb He. Back to text.
hOr cult prostitute. Back to text.
iThat is A breach. Back to text.
jGk: Heb them. Back to text.
kAbrek, probably an Egyptian word similar in sound to the Hebrew word meaning to kneel. Back to text.
lSam Gk: Heb which were. Back to text.
mThat is Making to forget. Back to text.
nFrom a Hebrew word meaning to be fruitful. Back to text.
oGk Vg Compare Syr: Heb all that was in them. Back to text.
pHeb El Shaddai. Back to text.
qGk Compare Vg: Heb lacks Why have you stolen my silver cup? Back to text.
rCompare Gk Vg: Heb you are commanded. Back to text.
sSam Syr Compare Gk Vg: Heb to show the way. Back to text.
tSam Gk Compare Vg: Heb he removed them to the cities. Back to text.
uHeb El Shaddai. Back to text.
vHeb shekem, shoulder. Back to text.
wGk Syr Tg: Heb he. Back to text.
xOr glory. Back to text.
ySyr Compare Tg: Heb until Shiloh comes or until he comes to Shiloh. Back to text.
zHeb gedud, a raiding troop. Back to text.
aOr who gives beautiful words. Back to text.
bHeb the arms of his hands. Back to text.
cCompare Gk: Heb of my progenitors to. Back to text.
dThat is meadow (or mourning) of Egypt. Back to text.
aSam Gk Tg:Heb lacks to the Hebrews. Back to text.
bHeb Mosheh. Back to text.
cHeb mashah. Back to text.
dHeb ger. Back to text.
eOr I AM WHAT I AM or I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE. Back to text.
fThe word LORD when spelled with capital letters, stands for the divine name, YHWH, which is here connected with the verb hayah, to be. Back to text.
gGk Vg:Heb no, not by a mighty hand. Back to text.
hHeb El Shaddai. Back to text.
iCh 7:26 in Heb. Back to text.
jGk:Heb upon your people. Back to text.
kCh 8:1 in Heb. Back to text.
lOr which he had brought upon Pharaoh. Back to text.
mGk Vg:Heb set redemption. Back to text.
nHeb before your face. Back to text.
oHeb between the two evenings. Back to text.
pGk:Heb and it lit up the night. Back to text.
qOr binding. Sam Gk Syr:Heb removing. Back to text.
rHeb shook off. Back to text.
sGk Syr:Heb to all the host. Back to text.
tOr its chariot. Back to text.
uThat is Bitterness. Back to text.
vHeb he. Back to text.
wOr “It is manna.” Heb man hu. Back to text.
xThat is Proof. Back to text.
yThat is Contention. Back to text.
zCn:Heb obscure. Back to text.
aHeb ger. Back to text.
bHeb Eli, my God, ezer, help. Back to text.
cSam Gk Syr:Heb I. Back to text.
dTransposing the last clause of v. 10 to v. 11. Back to text.
eSyr Tg Vg:Heb took. Back to text.
fOr besides. Back to text.
gAnother reading is so that he has not designated her. Back to text.
hHeb he shall. Back to text.
iCh 21:37 in Heb. Back to text.
jRestoring the second half of verse 3 and the whole of verse 4 to their place immediately following verse 1. Back to text.
kCh 22:1 in Heb. Back to text.
lOr it is reckoned in (Heb comes into) its hire. Back to text.
mGk:Heb obscure. Back to text.
nGk Vg:Heb he. Back to text.
oOr cover. Back to text.
pThe Hebrew word is of uncertain meaning. Back to text.
qGk:Heb girdles, Aaron and his sons,. Back to text.
rHeb all. Back to text.
sGk Vg See Tg:Heb ordain yourselves. Back to text.
xGk Theodotion Vg Tg:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
tHeb words. Back to text.
aCh 5:20 in Heb. Back to text.
bCh 6:1 in Heb. Back to text.
cMeaning of Heb is uncertain. Back to text.
dOr Whoever. Back to text.
xGk Syr:Heb afford, 31such as he can afford, one. Back to text.
eGk Syr Compare Vg:Heb for the life of all flesh, its blood is in its life. Back to text.
fGk:Heb lacks your. Back to text.
gHeb blood. Back to text.
hHeb their uncircumcision. Back to text.
iHeb repeats if a man commits adultery with the wife of. Back to text.
jHeb between the two evenings. Back to text.
kOr tabernacles. Back to text.
lOr sabbaths. Back to text.
mCompare Vg:Heb exercises. Back to text.
nOr pay for. Back to text.
aHeb their number was. Back to text.
bThat is one separated or one consecrated. Back to text.
cOr Naziriteship. Back to text.
dGk Syr Vg:Heb lacks by day. Back to text.
eThat is Burning. Back to text.
fThat is Graves of craving. Back to text.
gHeb lay not sin upon us. Back to text.
hThat is Cluster. Back to text.
iCh 17:1 in Heb. Back to text.
jCh 17:16 in Heb. Back to text.
kHeb service of gift. Back to text.
lThat is Contention. Back to text.
mHeb Destruction. Back to text.
nThat is Well. Back to text.
oOr Jeshimon. Back to text.
pGk:Heb the boundary of the Ammonites was strong. Back to text.
qGk:Heb we have shot at them. Heshbon has perished. Back to text.
rCompare Sam and Gk:Heb we have laid waste to Nophah which to Medeba. Back to text.
sOr dust clouds. Back to text.
tOr Jeshimon. Back to text.
uOr closed or perfect. Back to text.
vOr closed or perfect. Back to text.
wHeb corners (of the head). Back to text.
xSupplying take a census of the people. Compare verse 2. Back to text.
yCh 30:1 in Heb. Back to text.
zThat is the villages of Jair. Back to text.
aSyr:Heb lacks its. Back to text.
aHeb cubit of a man. Back to text.
bHeb words. Back to text.
cSyr:Heb Sion. Back to text.
dOr besides. Back to text.
eOr the LORD our God, the LORD is one.
Or the LORD is our God, the LORD is one.
Or the LORD is our God, the LORD alone. Back to text.
fOr quickly. Back to text.
gHeb words. Back to text.
hOr the wells of the Bene-jaakan. Back to text.
iOr instruction. Back to text.
jSam Gk Vg:Heb I. Back to text.
kGk Syr:See Gen 12:6. Heb Oaks or Terebinths. Back to text.
lCh 13:1 in Heb. Back to text.
mHeb obscure. Back to text.
nHeb makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire. Back to text.
oOr the blood of the innocent. Back to text.
pHeb hide yourself. Back to text.
qHeb become holy. Back to text.
rCh 23:1 in Heb. Back to text.
sHeb uncover his father’s skirt. Back to text.
tOr male prostitute. Back to text.
uHeb its name. Back to text.
vHeb whole. Back to text.
wHeb uncovered his father’s skirt. Back to text.
xAnother reading is sword. Back to text.
yCh 28:69 in Heb. Back to text.
zCh 29:1 in Heb. Back to text.
aOr deal wisely. Back to text.
bGk Syr:Heb your heads, your tribes. Back to text.
cGk:Heb lacks If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God. Back to text.
dOr God. Back to text.
eOr bore. Back to text.
fHeb the lightning of my sword. Back to text.
gGk Vg:Heb his land his people. Back to text.
hGk Syr Vg:Heb Hoshea. Back to text.
iGk Syr Vg:Heb them. Back to text.
jThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
kGk:Heb peoples. Back to text.
xHeb your. Back to text.
lCn:Heb with his hands he contended. Back to text.
mGk:Heb lacks Give to Levi. Back to text.
nTwo Heb Mss and Tg:Heb with the dew. Back to text.
aThat is the hill of the foreskins. Back to text.
bFrom Heb galal to roll. Back to text.
cThat is Trouble. Back to text.
dCn:Heb appointed time. Back to text.
xHeb they. Back to text.
eGk:Heb the boundary of Og. Back to text.
fGk:Heb Gilgal. Back to text.
gCn:Heb With it. Back to text.
hGk Syr Vg:Heb Lidebir. Back to text.
iThat is The city of Arba. Back to text.
jHeb obscure. Back to text.
kCn See 15:9. Heb westward. Back to text.
lGk:Heb to the shoulder over against the Arabah. Back to text.
mGk Syr Vg:Heb the Jebusite. Back to text.
nHeb Gibeath. Back to text.
oGk:Heb Kiriath. Back to text.
pCn Compare Gk:Heb Mehebel. Back to text.
qHeb qesitah. Back to text.
aVg Old Latin Compare Gk:Heb sides. Back to text.
bThat is Weepers. Back to text.
cThe meaning of the Hebrew word is unknown. Back to text.
dOr You who offered yourselves willingly among the people, bless. Back to text.
eThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
fGk:Heb me. Back to text.
xCn:Heb From Ephraim their root. Back to text.
gGk:Heb in Amalek. Back to text.
hGk Compare Tg:Heb exclaimed. Back to text.
iCn:Heb and depart from Mount Gilead. Back to text.
jCn:Heb the people took provisions in their hands. Back to text.
kAnother reading is Zeredah. Back to text.
lGk:Heb and he said. Back to text.
mCn See 9:41. Heb Tormah. Back to text.
nCn:Heb besieging. Back to text.
oVg and some Mss of Gk:Heb companies. Back to text.
pCn:Heb go down. Back to text.
qGk:Heb in the cities of Gilead. Back to text.
rGk Vg:Heb and working. Back to text.
sHeb wonders, while Manoah and his wife looked on. Back to text.
tGk Syr:Heb seventh. Back to text.
uThat is The hill of the jawbone. Back to text.
vThat is The spring of him who called. Back to text.
wCompare Gk:Heb lacks and make it tight...into the web. Back to text.
w2Heb living, and the Levite went. Back to text.
xCn Compare 18:10. The Hebrew text is uncertain. Back to text.
yThat is Camp of Dan. Back to text.
zAnother reading is Manasseh. Back to text.
aGk Old Latin:Heb played the harlot against. Back to text.
bGk:Heb she brought him. Back to text.
cGk Compare 19:29. Heb to the house of the LORD. Back to text.
dGk Vg:Heb in the plain. Back to text.
eGk:Heb surrounding. Back to text.
fGk:Heb (at their) resting place. Back to text.
aThat is Pleasant. Back to text.
bThat is Bitter. Back to text.
cGk Syr Vg:Heb testified against. Back to text.
dCompare Gk Vg:the meaning of the Hebrew text is uncertain. Back to text.
eOld Latin Vg:Heb of Naomi and from Ruth. Back to text.
aGk:Heb obscure. Back to text.
bGk Syr:Heb three bulls. Back to text.
xHeb he. Back to text.
cGk Syr Vg: Heb with it. Back to text.
dOr for the petition which she asked of. Back to text.
eGk Tg:Heb Did I reveal. Back to text.
fOr treat with scorn. Gk:Heb kick at. Back to text.
gGk:Heb your. Back to text.
hGk:Heb die as men. Back to text.
iGk See 3:10:Heb the LORD called Samuel. Back to text.
jAnother reading is for themselves. Back to text.
kCn:Heb of the people seventy men, fifty thousand men. Back to text.
lGk Syr:Heb Shen. Back to text.
mThat is Stone of help. Back to text.
nGk:Heb lacks to me. Back to text.
oGk:Heb young men. Back to text.
pGk Vg:Heb he. Back to text.
qHeb lacks the affliction of. Back to text.
rHeb obscure. Back to text.
sCn:Heb saying, I have invited the people. Back to text.
tGk:Heb and he spoke with Saul. Back to text.
uGk:Heb and they arose early and at break of dawn. Back to text.
wGk:Heb lacks over his people Israel? And you shall...to be prince. Back to text.
xOr the hill of God. Back to text.
zOr the hill. Back to text.
aGk:Heb lacks finally...man by man. Back to text.
bGk:Heb Is there yet a man to come here? Back to text.
cGk:Heb lacks Testify against me. Back to text.
dGk:Heb lacks is witness. Back to text.
eGk:Heb lacks and the Egyptians oppressed them. Back to text.
fGk:Heb lacks Jabin king of. Back to text.
gGk Syr:Heb Bedan. Back to text.
hGk:Heb fathers. Back to text.
iGk Syr Tg Vg:Heb because after. Back to text.
jThe number is lacking in Heb. Back to text.
kTwo is not the entire number. Something has dropped out. Back to text.
lCn:Heb Hebrews crossed the Jordan. Back to text.
mGk:Heb plowshare. Back to text.
nThe Heb of this verse is obscure. Back to text.
oHeb between the passes. Back to text.
pGk:Heb Do all that is in your mind. Turn. Back to text.
qGk:Heb lacks so is mine. Back to text.
rHeb yoke. Back to text.
sGk:Heb they went and there. Back to text.
tGk Syr Vg Tg:Heb round about, they also, to be with. Back to text.
uHeb land. Back to text.
vGk:Heb this day. Back to text.
wVg Compare Gk:Heb Saul said to the LORD, the God of Israel. Back to text.
xGk Syr:Heb among men. Back to text.
yGk:Heb Gai. Back to text.
zOr triangles, or three-stringed instruments. Back to text.
aHeb by two. Back to text.
bGk:Heb Michal, Saul’s daughter. Back to text.
xGk Old Latin:Heb escaped that night. 11And Saul. Back to text.
cHeb teraphim. Back to text.
dThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
fGk:Heb lacks from. Back to text.
gGk:Heb swore again. Back to text.
hHeb a covenant of the LORD. Back to text.
iHeb lacks be witness. Back to text.
jHeb uncertain. Back to text.
kGk:Heb earth, and Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David. Back to text.
lGk:Heb go down quickly. Back to text.
mGk:Heb the stone Ezel. Back to text.
nCn See Gk:Heb stood up. Back to text.
oGk:Heb from beside the south. Back to text.
pOr exceeded. Back to text.
qThis sentence is 21:1 in Heb. Back to text.
rCh 21:2 in Heb. Back to text.
sSyr Vg:Heb come out. Back to text.
tGk Tg:Heb and has turned aside to. Back to text.
uOr saw that. Back to text.
vGk:Heb and dwelt. Back to text.
wCh 24:1 in Heb. Back to text.
xGk Syr Tg:Heb you. Back to text.
yGk Compare Syr:Heb the enemies of David. Back to text.
zThat is fool. Back to text.
aGk:Heb a flea (as in 24:14). Back to text.
bGk Vg:Heb lacks whom. Back to text.
cGk:Heb lacks and all. Back to text.
dCn:Heb they drove before those cattle. Back to text.
eGk Compare 1 Chron 10:9:Heb to the house of their idols. Back to text.
aGk:Heb the Bow. Back to text.
bOr The upright. Back to text.
cCn:Heb fields of offerings. Back to text.
dThat is the field of sword-edges. Back to text.
eGk:Heb where he was. Back to text.
fGk:Heb 6And they came here into the middle of the house fetching wheat; and they struck him in the belly; and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. Back to text.
gHeb paraz. Back to text.
hThat is Lord of breaking through. Back to text.
iOr and his brother. Back to text.
jCompare Gk:Heb the new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab which was on the hill. Back to text.
kGk 1 Chron 13:8:Heb fir-trees. Back to text.
l1 Chron 13:10:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
mThat is The breaking forth upon Uzzah. Back to text.
nVg:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
oGk:Heb my. Back to text.
p1 Chron 17:6:Heb tribes. Back to text.
qGk Syr Vg 1 Chron 17:13:Heb shall not depart. Back to text.
rCn:Heb this is the law for man. Back to text.
sGk:Heb one. Back to text.
tHeb you. Back to text.
uGk 1 Chron 17:21:Heb for your land. Back to text.
vHeb before your people, whom you redeemed for yourself from Egypt, nations and its gods. Back to text.
wGk:Heb returned from striking eighteen thousand Syrians. Back to text.
xSyr Tg Vg 20:23; 1 Chron 18:17:Heb lacks was over. Back to text.
yGk:Heb my. Back to text.
zHeb river. Back to text.
aHeb the enemies of the LORD. Back to text.
bThat is beloved of the LORD. Back to text.
cOr Milcom See Zeph 1:5. Back to text.
dCn:Heb pass through. Back to text.
eCn Compare Gk Vg:Heb No, for this great wrong in sending me away is (worse) than the other which you did to me. Back to text.
fCn:Heb clad in robes. Back to text.
gCn Compare Gk:Heb the road behind him. Back to text.
hGk:Heb David. Back to text.
iCn:Heb and he devises. Back to text.
jGk Syr:Heb forty. Back to text.
kOr sent. Back to text.
lGk Syr Vg:Heb to. Back to text.
mGk:Heb lacks may the LORD show. Back to text.
nGk:Heb Are you a seer or Do you see? Back to text.
oCn:Heb lacks and Abiathar. Back to text.
pGk Vg:Heb iniquity. Back to text.
qGk:Heb lacks at the Jordan. Back to text.
rHeb word. Back to text.
sGk:Heb like the return of the whole (is) the man whom you seek. Back to text.
tOr when he falls upon them. Back to text.
uThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
v1 Chron 2:17:Heb Israelite. Back to text.
wHeb lentils and parched grain. Back to text.
xGk Vg Symmachus:Heb for now there are ten thousand such as we. Back to text.
yGk Syr Tg:Heb was put. Back to text.
zAnother reading is at the risk of my life. Back to text.
bHeb the king’s servant, your servant. Back to text.
cCh 19:1 in Heb. Back to text.
dGk:Heb to the king, to his house. Back to text.
eCn:Heb the ford crossed. Back to text.
fHeb to. Back to text.
gGk Syr Vg:Heb said, I will saddle a donkey for myself. Back to text.
hTg:Heb snatch away our eyes. Back to text.
iCn Compare Gk:Heb after him Joab’s men. Back to text.
jThis clause is transposed from the end of the verse. Back to text.
kWith 20:15:Heb and Beth-maacah. Back to text.
lHeb Berites. Back to text.
mHeb the Gibeonites and said to them. Back to text.
nCn Compare Gk and 21:9:Heb at Gibeah of Saul, the chosen of the LORD. Back to text.
oTwo Hebrew Mss Gk:Heb Michal. Back to text.
pGk Ps 18:2:Heb lacks my. Back to text.
rPs 18:32:Heb set free. Back to text.
sAnother reading is his. Back to text.
tOr gentleness. Back to text.
uHeb ankles. Back to text.
vGk:Heb from strife with my people. Back to text.
wPs 18:45:Heb armed themselves. Back to text.
xAnother reading is He is a tower of salvation. Back to text.
yOr the favorite of the songs of Israel. Back to text.
zHeb from rain. Back to text.
aHeb worthlessness. Back to text.
bHeb fire in the sitting. Back to text.
cOr captains. Back to text.
d1 Chron 11:11:Heb obscure. Back to text.
eTwo Hebrew Mss Syr:MT three. Back to text.
f1 Chron 11:25:Heb Was he the most renowned of the three? Back to text.
gAnother reading is the son of Ish-hai. Back to text.
hGk: sons of Ariel. Heb lacks sons of. Back to text.
iAnother reading is Hezrai. Back to text.
j1 Chron 21:2 Gk:Heb to Joab the commander of the army. Back to text.
kGk:Heb encamped in Aroer. Back to text.
lGk:Heb to the land of Tahtim-hodshi. Back to text.
mCn Compare Gk:Heb they came to Dan-jaan and. Back to text.
nOr hold over. Back to text.
o1 Chron 21:12 Gk:Heb seven. Back to text.
aGk:Heb commanders. Back to text.
bGk:Heb one. Back to text.
cGk:Heb placing. Back to text.
dGk:Heb blood of war. Back to text.
eGk:Heb his. Back to text.
fGk Syr Vg:Heb and for him and for Abiathar. Back to text.
gCh 5:1 in Heb. Back to text.
hCh 5:15 in Heb. Back to text.
jGk:Heb twenty. Back to text.
jGk:Heb structure. Back to text.
kGk Tg:Heb middle. Back to text.
lHeb lacks each story. Back to text.
mGk:Heb walls. Back to text.
nVg:Heb and before the inner sanctuary. Back to text.
oGk:Heb covered. Back to text.
pHeb obscure. Back to text.
qGk:Heb four. Back to text.
rGk:Heb posts. Back to text.
sSyr Vg:Heb floor. Back to text.
tWith 7:12:Heb from the outside. Back to text.
uTg Syr Compare Gk and Jer 52:21:Heb and a line of twelve cubits measured the circumference of the second pillar. Back to text.
vGk:Heb lacks he made two. Back to text.
wGk:Heb seven. Back to text.
xWith 2 Mss Compare Gk:Heb pillars. Back to text.
yHeb ten. Back to text.
zGk:Heb lacks has set the sun in the heavens, but. Back to text.
aGk Syr:Heb the land. Back to text.
bGk:Heb seven days and seven days, fourteen days. Back to text.
cSyr Old Latin:Heb high. Back to text.
dHeb lacks of Judah. Back to text.
eGk:Heb burning incense with it which. Back to text.
fGk Syr:Heb men. Back to text.
gOr baboons. Back to text.
hGk Syr Vg:Heb they have. Back to text.
iGk Vg Compare 2 Chron 10:2:Heb dwelt in. Back to text.
jGk:Heb went to the one as far as Dan. Back to text.
kGk Syr Vg:Heb son. Back to text.
lGk:Heb he came to the city of the old prophet. Back to text.
mHeb obscure. Back to text.
nGk:Heb of the settlers. Back to text.
oGk Syr Vg:Heb you. Back to text.
pGk:Heb struck. Back to text.
aGk Compare verses 9, 13:Heb answered. Back to text.
bGk Syr:Heb lacks his brother. Back to text.
cTg:Heb lacks annually. Back to text.
dGk:Heb uncertain. Back to text.
eAnother reading is Amana. Back to text.
fSee 7:2:Heb messenger. Back to text.
gGk Syr:Heb Israel, Jehoshaphat being king of Judah. Back to text.
hGk Syr:Heb the young man, the young man, the prophet. Back to text.
iThe meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Back to text.
jSyr Vg Compare Gk:Heb lacks and they shot him. Back to text.
kGk Vg:Heb Jezreel. Back to text.
lGk:Heb Is it right with your heart, as my heart is with your heart? Back to text.
mGk:Heb lacks Jehu said. Back to text.
nGk Syr Tg:Heb they. Back to text.
oGk Compare verse 25:Heb they. Back to text.
pCn:Heb city. Back to text.
qWith 2 Chron 22:11:Heb lacks and she put. Back to text.
rGk Syr Vg Compare 2 Chron 22:11:Heb they. Back to text.
sHeb the LORD to the king. Back to text.
tHeb the house to the king. Back to text.
uCh 12:1 in Heb. Back to text.
vGk Syr Tg Vg:Heb he walked. Back to text.
wGk Compare 9:27:Heb before the people. Back to text.
xCompare Gk:Heb Tiphsah. Back to text.
yHeb adds Argob and Arieh, which probably belong to the list of places in verse 29. Back to text.
zOr made his son to pass through the fire. Back to text.
aHeb At that time Rezin. Back to text.
bHeb Aram (Syria). Back to text.
cCn:Heb turned to. Back to text.
dHeb obscure. Back to text.
eOr made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire. Back to text.